Is a malignant ocular tumor in retina .It originates from irregular changes in the cells that formed the retina, which is a layer at the back of the eye responsible for sight.


  • A Pupil that appears white when light is been directed into it, unlike the normal that will reflect red.
  • Strabismus
  • Eye pain, rediness, and the constantly dilated.


  • Examination is been performed for both eyes.
  • CT scan for both eye.
  • MRI is been performed to determine the stage of retinoblastoma and how far it has spread.


Treatment depends on size and stage of the tumor .And whether it is bilateral or unilateral.


  • Surgery.
  • Cryotherapy.
  • Photocoagulation.
  • Thermotherapy.
  • Radiotherapy.
  • Chemotherapy.


  • Periodical comprehensive examinations should be performed over the years following treatment to monitor tumor recurrence as well as complications and side effects of different treatments that might not surface until years later.
  • Tests should be performed for patients who did not undergo eye removal surgery to ensure complete destruction of the tumor and prevent its recurrence.
  •  Inform your opthmologist If there is any symptoms or complications to achieve effective treatment
  •  Early screening of first-born baby of family with history of retinoblastoma.
  • Consult opthmologist when you suspect any change in eye.