
* The patient will be given a number to enter the clinic 15 minutes prior to the appointment.
* for your and our patients safety, kindly only one companion is allowed if necessary. If you have respiratory symptoms or fever, please cancel your appointment as you will be rescheduled after an adequate time through the website or call 920000583.
* The patient and companion will be given the attendance letter for the day of the appointment.
* Please bring your ID.
* For appointment cancellation, please call 920000583 two days prior to the appointment day.
* The physician will examine your child under light sedation using sedative-hypnotic liquid medication.
* Please read the following instructions carefully before your child appointment:
- Make sure not to feed the baby food or artificial milk six hours prior to the appointment.
- In case of breastfeeding, the baby is allowed to be breastfed until four hours prior to the appointment.
- All children are allowed to drink liquids such as water and apple juice (other types of juice are not allowed) until two hours prior to the appointment, then they should be completely food and drinks fasting.
- Please attend at least an hour prior to the appointment.
- It is recommended to reduce your child sleeping hours the night before his or her appointment.
- If your child is sick, febrile, or have a diarrhea, or vomiting, please consult the specialized physician or call 920000583 to reschedule the appointment.
- If your child has seizures or any neuro, cardiac or respiratory diseases, please bring a detailed medical report.
* Non compliance with these instructions could result to cancel the appointment.